
The theoretical framework for the description of ultrafast processes is based on Nonequilibruim Green Functions (NEGF). NEGF provide an exact approach to describe the quantum kinetics of electrons under the action of ultra-short laser pulses.

Different approximations are employed to make the equations manageable in a first principles code. The resulting equation are then implemented in the  real-time module of the yambo code:

Moreover a theoretical activity based on simple models is carried on, in close collaboration with the theory group of Gianluca Stefanucci at the department of Physics of the Tor Vergata university:


Laser-matter interaction performed by ultra-short laser pulses provides the opportunity of producing either nanostructured thin films or periodic surface structures at the nanoscale by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) and Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structure (LIPS), respectively.

EFSL (EuroFEL Support Laboratory) is a recently born (est. 2015) ultrafast laser laboratory situated in the headquarters of the Istituto di Struttura della Materia of the National Research Council of Italy in Tor Vergata near Rome. The mission of the laboratory is to build up an ultrafast spectroscopy community in Italy to support activities at Free Electron Laser facilities both in Italy and abroad. To do so the lab is open to research proposals for the study of ultrafast photoinduced processes in materials. It concentrates on the use of pump-probe techniques to study ultrafast processes in nanomaterials, the plasmonic response of materials, photovoltaic materials and molecular dynamics.